Oops, asleep at the switch. My favourite movie of the year so far (though quite possibly no one else's) is showing tonight at the European Film Festival, 9:15, Pacific Cinematheque.
ADAM'S APPLES is an ultra-black Danish comedy that seems to me to be about the folly of the Christian faith - whether the film thinks such serious foolishness is holy or simply foolish will be entirely up to you to decide. I see it as an admittedly bizarre partner film to Rossellini's FLOWERS OF ST FRANCIS, so you can see which side I come down on, but so far have only found one fool to agree.
In any case, don't go expecting a melancholy Danish film of great theological weight and substance. This is an "I can't believe I just saw that" / "I can't believe I'm laughing at that" European comedy. If it sounds like that might be for you, have a look!
And here's a link to my piece on the film.
I've been dying to see this since I first heard of it months ago . . . but I'm stuck waiting for a DVD release, I think. This definitely sounds like my kind of thing, though.